Piper Cubs and Wind in the Wires Fly In 16 April 2021
Fri, 16 Apr
Piper Cubs (any High wing aircraft) and Wing in the Wires ( any bips like Tiger Moths or WW1 etc.) or just bring anything. Predominantly Large models, plenty of flying, great friends and food.

Time & Location
16 Apr 2021, 10:00 am – 18 Apr 2021, 4:00 pm
About the Event
Piper Cubs (any High wing aircraft) and Wing in the Wires ( any bips like Tiger Moths or WW1 etc.) or just bring anything. Predominantly Large models, plenty of flying, great friends and food.
Predominantly large scale aircraft but any size is welcome.
Always well supported by WW1 aircraft.
Held at the Willie Emmitt field NAAS road Thawa Canberra ACT Australia.
Dinner Friday night , food all weekend with Roast dinner at the field on Saturday night.
Camping is encouraged at it make the weekend more relaxing and enjoyable.
Hot shower and toilet facilities available at the feild.
Event entry fee $20.00 per pilot for the weekend
Camping $15.00 per night ( Includes toilets and shower)
Breakfast ( egg and bacon rolls, Tea and coffee) and lunch (Steak/ sausages and drinks) will be available all weekend
Dinner will be avaialble Friday night.
Roast Dinner Saturady night $30.00 per head
Contact thescaleaviators@outlook.com or web site thescaleaviators.org.au
or 0416015712