Early morning fog which tried to clear. -2 deg when we got out to the field at 8:30. the place was snow white.
Peter and Darren turned up.
Peter had many flights with the GeeBee Z , flown fast and great skill.
Peter has fixed the engine issue with the P47 and had several nice flights in-between the fog.
Darren had several flights with his electric aircraft and I am pritty sure he went home with his undergarrage, well done.
We hada great lunch in the heated club house (30 ++++deg).
Diane served a fantastic hot home made chicken soup with fresh Italian bread. (Dosen't get any better).
It was 12:30 by the time I finished the work around the club so I decided not to put the GeeBee Y together, I had done 10,000 steps and had nearly run out of energy. ( still recovering from last time I had a test flight).
With a clear head I will be ready next time to commit aviation.
I installed the heater in the shower.
Mounted 3 glass panels to stop draft on the top side of the verandah.
Peter received his Robart undercarrage for the rocketing R2 and they look really good
Great snaps, btw. Will have to modify the wheel spats on the gee bee z as they keep splitting at the back edge of the spat. I think some alloy flashing will do the trick. Meanwhile i have started the build on the gee bee r2. It will take time , but am enjoying it. Cheers Peter