We have a few Gee bee's in our club, I have 11 last count, Peter is catching up fast ......
My Gee Bee Y I have been flying for years
It has a MVVS 35cc petrol engine which is just fantastic.
This thing Knife edges from horizon to Horizon.
It started to develop a crack in the covering just behind the pilot.
This crack started small (about 1mm running from the top back edge of the cockpit).
It just grew in the space of one trip to about 30mm long. Trip to Shepperton some 700KMs.
The carry frame does not support the tail wheel and i think this crack formed in transport not flying.
This was a good opportunity to recover the bird using my trusted and proven Acetate and dope.
When I ripped the covering off, the crack was only cosmetic as the tails has a internal frame that supports the load.
The crack just formed when some stringers became loose.
So the following photos show the covering coming off and the Acetate being applied.
This will then be dopes and painted.
This gives a much better scale and better looking covering.
It took about 5 hours to cover the fuze in acetate
It is then dopes and painted.
A picture tell a thousand words,, please comment if you want more information
Please note the pin stripes are as they should be Dark blue.................